This an invitation into an activation of your most authentic, expressed self.

What lies beneath the roles you’ve played, the burdens you’ve taken on for other people, the worry you’ve felt, and the charged emotions you’ve held in your body?

Your true innocence.

Your total inherent worthiness.

Your most peaceful essence.

The you that you came here to experience.

The you that is made of both strength and softness. 

The sensitive warrior of peace. 


Maybe you have the tendency to give it away to others because you believe that makes you “good.”

Maybe the places you’ve turned to in order to re-charge this life force just aren’t working.

Maybe you’ve held this belief that you are only worthy when you keep expending and giving away your energy. As if your inherent stillness is not enough.

Maybe there are people in your life who expect you to bend to their will.

Maybe your ability to give far exceeds your ability to receive.


It is time to learn how to deeply and intentionally recharge your own energy.

It is time to be disciplined and consistent  in the practice of showing up for yourself, just as you have been consistent for others.

It is time for your spirit to feel so deeply nourished and nurtured.

It is time to define your boundaries and stand up for them.

It is time to calm your inner critic and wrap your hurt inner child with the love they deserve.

Empath Activation is a KEY to unlock your true energy intentionality.

A guide to discover the practices and pathways that you can consistently choose to implement to help you:

Build your capacity to handle difficult emotions and circumstances

Ground deep into your body when you’re faced with worries

Work with your energy body to cleanse, clear, and protect your personal energy

Love and nurture the parts of yourself you’ve labeled “bad” or “wrong”

Heal the blocks that are stopping you from stepping into your most expansive self

I am here to be your guide out of the mental where your healing just goes around in circles, and into your body and spirit where you can experience profound transformation.

I’m a fellow sensitive, a trauma-informed energy healer and wellness coach who has spent 8 years working privately and in small groups with hundreds of sensitives. 

I have faced many of my shadows, learned to love and accept my inner children, learned to receive at the depths that I once could only give out, learned to replenish and ground my energy, learned to breathe strength into the spaces where I once felt the weakest, learned to sit with my weakness until I felt safe, and then learned to release the fear and trauma from my nervous system until I felt at pure peace within my body. I’ve invested thousands of dollars into my own healing and training and have spent my entire adult life learning to practice and embody these teachings to walk a path guided by my highest spirit and lead other sensitives and empaths to do the same. 

While I have guided hundreds of people on their path to healing,

it must be said that healing is not linear.

When I say this program is a key, I do not mean that you will wake up and be “fixed.” Because you are not broken. You are enough as you are.

This program is the key to taking care of yourself

on such a profound and deep level that you will feel the confidence

to weather the ups and downs of life and relationships.

You will gain the confidence to step into your dreams and outside of your comfort zone. 

People promise and sell strategies for success,

but your life shifts around your emanation. 

When you accept the invitation to step into your truest self,

and show up everyday in service to your most authentic expression,


You become a clear receiver for all of the goodness, love, and energy that is meant for you, because you’ve learned how to receive from yourself first. 

And from this wellspring, you can show up for others in a more meaningful and deep way. You embody the healing, love, and compassion and become a lighthouse for others.




“As an empath, Natalie's teachings have helped me learn how to embrace and foster my own sensitivity while still protecting my heart from experiencing pain. After less than a year, my energy and overall frame of mind has significantly shifted for the better. In 35 years, I can honestly say that I’ve never been happier, more joyful, and more comfortable in my own skin.  

Establishing new boundaries and tightening existing ones have been a huge part of my personal transformation. I went from being a completely broken person to a woman who is confident in herself and the world around her. Natalie has been a huge part of helping me to realize that I am worth fighting for— I am worthy of so much more than what I’ve been living.  

I will no longer do anything that sacrifices my mental or physical health and overall clarity of mind, period— which is completely revolutionary for me. I’ve learned that healing is a journey that’s constantly shifting in different directions. I couldn’t be more thankful for Natalie and what she has taught me, and the way she continues to help guide my healing path today and in the future." -Callie Lowe

“The most powerful thing I’ve ever done is a healing session with Natalie.” - Alexis R. 

“Natalie is truly gifted. I cannot tell you how amazing I feel. I feel better than I have for over a decade. I feel whole for the first time and was able to release so many things that I realized were holding me back. I’m just so thankful for her, for her gift, and I cannot recommend her enough.” - Diane



Access to Pre-Recorded Teachings, Guided Meditations, Practices, + Workbooks divided into 3 modules to take you through working with your emotions, healing at the nervous system and body level, working with your inner child and traumatized parts, healing with your ancestors, developing boundaries, cleansing, clearing, grounding, and protecting, and directing your energy intentionally, identifying leaks in your energy, strengthening your aura, releasing fears, developing your intuition, and so much more.


Empath Activation is now found in The Spiritual Growth Accelerator Membership. Learn more.