Everyone has varying degrees of being able to sense the unseen. This includes other people's emotions and feelings, loved ones on the other side, dense or light energy of a space, angels, and more.
You may sense through feelings / emotions, visions, thoughts in your mind, gut feelings in your body, auditory sounds in your mind, smells, visuals in your minds eye, or actual visuals outside of yourself.
Any of these types of sensing can be a gateway into communicating with your angels, with loved ones, or being able to better read other people.
In this course, we will work on strengthening what comes most natural for you while giving you opportunities to practice deepening your abilities.
Some things may come easier for others, but the key is learning to fully trust yourself and building confidence through practice.
I find that people who are seeking out a training or course like this seek it out because they know that they have something untapped inside of themselves.