Bring your nervous system into COHERENCE with this simple step-by-step process.
Which Nervous System State Are You Living In?
If You're in Hyperarousal you:
- Struggle to calm down at the end of the day & turn "go mode" off
- Feel on edge & may have accidentally snapped on your partner last night (no judgement zone)
- May feel agitated, worried, easily panicked, and easily angered
- Might struggle to connect to your pleasure & feel safe in your body
If you stay in this state chronically:
- The increased adrenaline & cortisol can take months to metabolize, creating health issues seemingly out of nowhere
- You may eventually become so overwhelmed that you go onto hypoarousal & start to feel depressed, dissociated, or chronically fatigued
If you're in Hypoarousal you:
- Scroll on social media for WAYYYYY too long
- Feel tired and fatigued almost ALL the time
- Feel depressed or dissociated
- Are going through the motions, but you've lost your spark and excitement for life
- Struggle to stay organized and have basically 0 motivation to complete tasks
- May be grieving
- May have come out of a traumatic or stressful time that resulted in health issues
Do BOTH of these sound a bit like you? You're bouncing between stress states.
No judgement. Most of us are. This modern world is no joke. Our bodies are just trying to do their best to cope.
Let's help you get into a COHERENCE state.
When You're In Coherence
you finally can...
>> Easily go between active & restful states
>> Respond to emotional triggers with logic ( & stop repeating old patterns )
>> Feel super present in your body ( better sex, better everything )
>> Feel safe & grounded in your body
>> Increase oxytocin ( Helps you to be more social, with less fear )
>> Increase immune response ( 'nough said )
>> Have better digestion & blood circulation
>> Build resiliency by slowly getting out of your comfort zone & coming back to a coherent baseline ( this is how you get courageous without stressing your system )
This is the state where your body actually heals & can metabolize those stress hormones!!!
80-90% of our brains detection of safety is through our internal organs via the vagus nerve.
Our past tension, stress, & trauma can signal danger to our brains, keeping us in a stress state even when we are safe.
In COHERENCE, you'll learn key tools to release stored up tension from your body.
Because stress and trauma overwhelm the system, to get into coherence we need to do the opposite.
To heal, your body needs simple and SLOW techniques.
You'll learn practices that you can do in 5-10 minutes a day. Overtime, these practices will build to create safety and coherence in your body.
What good is learning tools if you don't actually integrate them into your life on a regular basis?
This can be really hard to do if you're in an unmotivated, shut down space.
Natalie has created a system that uses the psychology of habits to help cue your brain to actually REMEMBER to do your practices.

Hey, I'm Natalie!
Author, Trauma Support Specialist, & Reiki Master
In my quest to figure out how to help people live their most expansive lives I realized many people are missing the foundation: Nervous system literacy.
As someone who lived her life as on over-achiever mode running on adrenaline, I wound up with chronic illness. Then I spent a lot of time on the other end of the spectrum... fatigued and unmotivated.
Understanding how to bring my body back into coherence while dealing with chronic illness, times of grief, times of stress, and not being so damn hard on myself has been a game-changer.
I've worked with thousands of clients in my healing practice over the past decade and brought countless people out of stress and shut down and into states of joy.
I hope you'll join me on this journey.
This Process is Worth Hundreds of Dollars... But I'm Giving It Away For $18.
After just one hour you will...
>> Actually understand your nervous system and how to regulate on the daily
>> Experience deep release of tension and trauma... without having to re-live the past
>> Learn tools that will radically change your nervous system capacity overtime
>> Learn an easy system that's designed to fit into your busy life...
>> Have tools that you can use on the spot when you experience overwhelming emotions to help your feelings pass through you and not get stuck

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