You Got: Energy Sensitive Empath
Energy Sensitive Empaths are what people typically imagine when they think of an empath: someone who is highly sensitive and easily influenced by other people’s emotions as well as their environment.
Energy Sensitive Empaths often pick up on feelings, emotions, energy and even sometimes physical sensations that do not belong to them. An empath may end up feeling emotionally exhausted at the end of the day even if nothing “negative” directly happened to them. This is because they often act as sponges to their environment, most of the time unaware of the energy they are absorbing. They can find large crowds, the news, family gatherings and world events extremely draining. Sometimes, ES Empaths can even mirror other people’s physical symptoms, often mistaking them for their own.
ES Empaths must make an effort to prioritize their emotional health and cultivate awareness around what feelings do not actually belong to them. It’s important for them to become familiar with their own unique, healthy energy state so they can return to that often and easily identify when they are not in alignment with their own energy.
It’s also extremely important for Energy Sensitive Empaths to recognize that they are not at the mercy of the energy around them and to cultivate an empowered mindset. ES Empaths can benefit from practices that help them to identify and cleanse any energy that is not theirs at the end of each day. This is particularly important for empaths that work directly with people, such as teachers, massage therapists, counselors and energy workers. Having good energy hygiene is a must to ensure that an ES Empath does not become weighed down by heavy emotions and dense energy that they naturally pick up on a day to day basis.
Tips for The Energy Sensitive Empath
- As you take a shower, imagine that the water is a healing white light that cleanses and purifies your energy field.
- Adopt a daily practice to shift energy, such as going for a mindful walk or practicing Qi Gong (You can find great videos on Youtube!).
- Take time to identify areas in your life that uplift and drain your energy. Learn to set boundaries around the things that feel draining or overwhelming to you. You can find TONS of boundary setting content in my course, The Empowered Empath.
Hey... I'm Natalie Clare!
I'm so glad you found your way to this side of the internet. I'm a Fellow Empath and Highly Sensitive... And the woman behind this quiz! Over the past 7 years I've worked with hundreds of Empaths through my coaching and energy healing practices. I'm passionate about serving empaths because I believe that when we are balanced, grounded, and nurtured, our sensitive hearts create ripples through-out the Universe.
Unfortunately, many Empaths are operating from an ungrounded, overwhelmed, and over-giving state. I know that feeling first hand. It's my life's mission to help guide sensitives through their healing journey and support them with the tools they need to thrive.
Over the next few days I'll be popping into your inbox to share more tools and opportunities for you. I'll be sharing a FREE exercise you won't find anywhere else.
Be sure to open my first email for the results and tips for each Empath type, since I'm sure you've got at least a little bit of each in ya.

Make a Quick Shift!
I've created a mini e-book with 16 different practices and visualizations to help you to easily cleanse, release, infuse, clear, and protect your energy. These tools are super practical and will be sent to your inbox within minutes so that you can get started today (right now!) on intentionally directing your energy.
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