You Got: Intuitive Empath
To be an empath means that you are clairsentient, commonly defined as clear feeling. As an Intuitive Empath, not only are you tapped into being able to feel things clearly, you also have a sense of just knowing things. You may find yourself easily finishing others’ sentences, having a clear sense of what’s going to happen next or having strong gut feelings about something that doesn’t make logical sense.
While every one of us is intuitive to some degree and each person can develop their intuition even deeper, your intuition around people and circumstances is something that comes extremely naturally to you.
If you don’t fully understand your intuitive abilities (or don’t have people around you that understand them), you may have moments where you feel “crazy” or “irrational.” As an Intuitive Empath, it’s important to learn to trust yourself and to release any self-doubt. We all have access to infinite information and just because people around you may not be as deeply tapped in to their inner knowing doesn’t mean that it’s “abnormal.”
As an Intuitive Empath, it’s important to learn to fully trust yourself and follow your gut and inner knowing, even when it doesn’t make logical sense.
Tips for The Intuitive Empath
- Stay grounded! If you find you’re too far up in the clouds at times, it can be
helpful to practice a grounding meditation. Walk barefoot on the Earth, put your back up against a tree, or sit down on the ground and imagine roots
coming out of the base of your spine grounding you into the Earth. You can find many grounding practices in my course, The Empowered Empath. - Develop your intuition by closing your eyes in a dark room (or while blindfolded) and focusing your awareness at the center of your forehead
between your eyebrows. You can search for “Third Eye Meditation Music” on
YouTube. Notice any colors, feelings, or visuals that arise. - Try Channel Writing. Grab a journal and write down a question. Then, let your
mind go blank as you write a response. Don’t think too much about what
you’re writing, just let yourself go stream of consciousness. When you look
back, you might be surprised about what you wrote. - Sometimes, when we’ve trusted our gut but it led us into a difficult situation,
we stop trusting ourselves. It’s easy to focus on the one time we perceive we
led ourselves astray instead of all the other times our intuition guided us to a
wonderful result. To regain trust, grab a jar and some slips of paper. Every
time you trusted yourself and it let you to a beneficial result or you were right,
write down the experience in the jar.
Hey... I'm Natalie Clare!
I'm so glad you found your way to this side of the internet. I'm a Fellow Empath and Highly Sensitive... And the woman behind this quiz! Over the past 7 years I've worked with hundreds of Empaths through my coaching and energy healing practices. I'm passionate about serving empaths because I believe that when we are balanced, grounded, and nurtured, our sensitive hearts create ripples through-out the Universe.
Unfortunately, many Empaths are operating from an ungrounded, overwhelmed, and over-giving state. I know that feeling first hand. It's my life's mission to help guide sensitives through their healing journey and support them with the tools they need to thrive.
Over the next few days I'll be popping into your inbox to share more tools and opportunities for you. I'll be sharing a FREE exercise you won't find anywhere else.
Be sure to open my first email for the results and tips for each Empath type, since I'm sure you've got at least a little bit of each in ya.

Make a Quick Shift!
I've created a mini e-book with 16 different practices and visualizations to help you to easily cleanse, release, infuse, clear, and protect your energy. These tools are super practical and will be sent to your inbox within minutes so that you can get started today (right now!) on tapping into your intuitive ability to intentionally direct your energy.
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