You Got: Savior Empath
Savior Empath … it can feel like the weight of the world falls on your shoulders! You feel a sense of responsibility to help with other people’s and / or the world’s problems. Savior Empaths often have a hard time putting themselves first, as there are always other problems and issues to focus on. But a combination of neglecting themselves and feeling responsible for other people is an imbalance that can have exhausting consequences.
As a Savior Empath, it’s important to remember that all people are sovereign and have a responsibility for their own life’s path. Yes, we can help each other out, but that has to come from an authentic and empowered place, not a place of pity, worry, fear, or doubting someone else’s abilities or life path.
One of the most important things for a Savior Empath to do is to shift their mindset and the way they perceive other’s struggle and suffering. A Savior Empath must also look at their compulsive nature to help and check in with themselves in every situation to ensure that it really is the best thing for them to help. It’s important to make sure the motivation to help is not coming from a desire to constantly play the role of the “savior” or be the one who helps out.
Savior empaths might have grandiose ideas of how they’d like to change the world, why they were put here on this Earth, and the legacy they’d like to leave. While this is admirable, the pressure they put on themselves can lead them to become completely burnt out and over-run. If they haven’t found a way to channel this energy, they might feel helpless, purposeless, restless, or indecisive, always searching for some elusive way to make change but constantly feeling like they’re not doing enough to make a difference. On the other hand, if they have found a way to channel this energy, it may not be sustainable and lead to burn out as they tend to take on more than they can handle.
At their healthiest, an empath with a tendency to play the role of savior has strong boundaries that create space for self-care and constant re-charge. They learn to put themselves first and release the responsibility to help others and more importantly, the guilt that comes from not being able to. They are able to enjoy their life, even when other people around them are struggling, knowing they deserve happiness just as much as the next person. With their energy uplifted and focused, they are able to channel it in a meaningful way that brings joy to them and fulfills their desire to help. They recognize that even contributions that seem small, such as creating a beautiful piece of art, is enough! They also come to a place where they recognize that as one person they can only do so much. They release the pressure that they always have to be "doing” more, and open up to create a peaceful life full of beauty and joy.
Tips for The Savior Empath
- If you’re not in a place to help someone, learn to direct others to resources that can help them. A therapist, a non-profit, a course, a guided meditation. Direct people to tools and resources instead of constantly allowing
yourself to be the resource. - Learn how to give the love and support you give others, back to yourself. Sometimes we give and give to avoid the parts of us we’re running away from, and it’s important to recognize that ALL of us is deserving of our own love. We can grow out of balance when we are giving so much but don’t know how to give that same energy back to ourselves.
- Strengthen your boundaries! Remember that focusing your energy how YOU choose to can be much more effective than allowing yourself to get pulled into other people or the world’s problems. Boundaries don’t mean that we don’t care, they just mean that we have a choice of how much of our energy we want to give to something at any given time. When we value
ourselves enough to have those boundaries, we also invite others to value
themselves. You can also learn more about developing stronger
boundaries in my course, The Empowered Empath. - If people don’t want to change, then that’s their choice. As Savior Empaths,
we often see people’s potential or who we believe they want to become.
And while we can hold that vision for people, we shouldn’t get attached to
it or think we know best. We can spend way too much time trying to get
someone to shift before they’re ready. Releasing responsibility for other’s
emotional wellness is a key way for savior empaths to have emotional
wellness themselves (and ironically, isn’t that what we want for others?)
Hey... I'm Natalie Clare!
I'm so glad you found your way to this side of the internet. I'm a Fellow Empath and Highly Sensitive... And the woman behind this quiz! Over the past 7 years I've worked with hundreds of Empaths through my coaching and energy healing practices. I'm passionate about serving empaths because I believe that when we are balanced, grounded, and nurtured, our sensitive hearts create ripples through-out the Universe.
Unfortunately, many Empaths are operating from an ungrounded, overwhelmed, and over-giving state. I know that feeling first hand. It's my life's mission to help guide sensitives through their healing journey and support them with the tools they need to thrive.
Over the next few days I'll be popping into your inbox to share more tools and opportunities for you. I'll be sharing a FREE exercise you won't find anywhere else.
Be sure to open my first email for the results and tips for each Empath type, since I'm sure you've got at least a little bit of each in ya.

Make a Quick Shift!
I've created a mini e-book with 16 different practices and visualizations to help you to easily cleanse, release, infuse, clear, and protect your energy. These tools are super practical and will be sent to your inbox within minutes so that you can get started today (right now!) on intentionally directing your energy.
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