Take the first step towards transformation.

Join Natalie's New Year Group Health Reset. A 2 month group cleanse program starting January 2022.


Have you been feeling sluggish?

Is your body calling out for healthier nourishment, but you just keep putting off getting started?

With all the dieting and detox advice out there, are you confused about what to do to feel better?

Do you struggle with any of the following:

Bloating. Cystic Acne. Brain Fog. Fatigue. Anxiety. Depression. Chronic Inflammation. Yeast Infections / Candida Overgrowth. Autoimmune Conditions. Irregular or Heavy Menstrual Cycles. Anemia. IBS. Endometriosis. PCOS. 

Meet Your Guide

I know how it feels to struggle with many of the above issues.

Hey, I'm Natalie! I'm a certified regenerative detoxification specialist, trauma support specialist, and reiki master. That's all just a fancy way to say that I help people heal naturally and holistically.

I came to this passion after declining health left me with 12 day periods with heavy blood clots, chronic pain, anemia, chronic fatigue, chronic yeast infections, and so much more.
I came to realize that so many people are not only living with severe health conditions, but pretty much everyone is living with bodies that are not functioning at their peak health.

I'm here to help you heal yourself through herbs, healthy foods, and through developing a healthy relationship with your body and nervous system.

Join us this January for a full body reset!


Our Program Is Simple, Yet Effective:

  1. Work with herbs to detox fungal and parasite overgrowth that can fuel sugar addiction and lead to a myriad of health issues
  2. Simplify your diet with nutritious whole foods and healthy recipes. Learn how to tune in to what your body needs.
  3. Optionally, implement enemas into your routine to support your liver, open up detox pathways, and cleanse the colon.
  4. Learn simple, low intensity exercises to connect with your body and replenish your chi (energy).
  5. Have emotional support and accountability along the way to build healthy lifestyle habits instead of fad dieting. Learn how to make choices out of love and honor for your sacred body.

You'll Recieve ALL of this for FREE (A $1200 value):


  • A Healthy Recipe Book and Shopping Guide 
  • Access to Natalie’s Facebook Group to connect with accountability buddies and get any of your questions answered
  • 2 Months of Live Group Zoom calls that will also be recorded for playback where Natalie will be coaching you on:
    • How to manage detox symptoms, mood swings, and cravings
    • Simple daily exercises that can make a huge impact on your physical and emotional health
    • Connecting with your body and tuning in to your own needs
    • How to simplify a healthy lifestyle
    • How to cleanse fungal and parasitic overgrowth
    • How to do water and coffee enemas
    • Healing your nervous system and cultivating rest to heal

This is the ONLY time Natalie will be offering all of this for free. All you need to do is sign up and order a cleanse (and an enema kit if you'd like to do the enema protocol as well).




Sign Up

Let's Get Started!


Order your  herbal cleanse here.


Optionally, order a coffee enema kit if you don't have one already




Sign up for your free group cleanse support!

After signing up, you'll receive an email with next steps to prepare you for the cleanse starting January 2022 and login information for our group cleanse platform.
From Camila:

In just the first month I lost 10lbs, reduced my anxiety, no longer need to take naps, relieved my brain fog, and cleared my cystic acne."


Frequently Asked Questions

Are you ready to feel light, clear, energized, and healthier than ever? Make a commitment to your wellness today.



This is the only time Natalie will be offering this program for free. Sign up now for this 2 month, New Year Group Health Reset.