What Are Energy Leaks?

What are Energy Leaks?

Energy leaks are areas in your life where your energy is being drained consciously or subconsciously. This could be a subconscious thought, limiting belief or program that’s running in the background of your mind, effecting how you move through the world and constantly draining your energy. The leak could also be something that occasionally gets triggered and results in a small or large energy drain.

As you read the examples, notice if you engage in any of these beliefs or behaviors. Also note if there are people in your life who try to engage you in their own leaky behavior. 

Types of Energy Leaks

Emotional Spillover

“Dumping” an emotion / feeling you can’t handle onto someone else. Emotionally escalating, blaming, or venting in a way that makes your feelings someone else’s responsibility. 

Validation Seeking / Compromising of Authenticity 

Acting out of a need for validation. Compromising your authentic truth in order to gain something (i.e. keeping quiet about something that bothers you in order to “keep” someone’s love and approval).

Frequency Matching / Co-Regulation

Modulating your energy to match others’ energies and emotions. This can happen when you begin to mirror and co-regulate with someone else's nervous system. This means that your nervous system actually gets "synched up" with the other person.

Drama Addiction

Getting a rush or enjoyment from engaging in talking about others or engaging in dramatic circumstances. This can also apply to the consumption of media, reality tv, and following drama on social media platforms to get a similar high.


Being in resistance to the flow. Feeling unable to surrender to how reality is presenting itself.


Consistently feeling like a victim to others, the environment, or situations. This can result in shifting blame onto others or projecting blame onto the world. 

Severed Self Trust

Distrust of self to make decisions, keep oneself safe, or emotionally regulate. Often results in a disconnection from body. Can lead to overly relying on other’s opinions and perceptions.

Self-Monitoring Through Others

Picturing how someone else views you. Hopping into their mind in order to judge yourself.

Creator Wound

Distrust  in God / The Universe / a Higher Power. Placing blame or directing energy and emotions at something bigger than the self. This is a subtle stream of energy that keeps someone in a helpless role through the belief that something outside of them is pulling the strings (against them).

Emotional Suppression

Resisting the flow of energy and emotions through the body. This causes feelings to get stuck in the body and energy field, and can eventually manifest as health issues.

Obsessive Thoughts / Overanalyzing

Getting stuck in an emotionally charged thought pattern. These looping thoughts pull us out of the present moment and often cause a low-level of anxiety to be continuously activated within us.


Re-entering situations or spending time around toxic people that continuously re-traumatize you (micro-traumas or major traumas) and keep you from feeling safe and peaceful. 

How To Shift Your Energy Leaks

1. Accept yourself. If you are shaming yourself for any behavior, remind yourself that you are loved, accepted, and whole just as you are.

2. Take inventory of where your energy is leaking. Are there relationships that need to end or shift? Is there a boundary you need to make? What small action can you start with.

3. Take deep breaths and let go of anything that you are holding on to that is not your own. Imagine that you are sealing your aura and patching up any areas where there are "leaks."

Want To Go Deeper?

My Course, Empath Empowerment, will support you in healing your energy leaks, setting better boundaries, and cultivating more energy. Join here. 

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