Introducing The Empath Activation Course
Your sensitivities and empathy are your greatest superpower.
They make you a caring leader, an understanding friend and partner, and a deeply feeling person.
Out of balance, you can become drained, exhausted, resentful, over-giving, and more.
In balance, you can lead with your heart and gifts, make unbelievable impact, have incredibly fulfilling reciprocal relationships, and experience joy, love, and peace on a depth the average person cannot feel.
You are a leader.
You are a feeler.
And it's time to go all in on YOU. Because YOU deserve to receive all that you've given out and more.
If you're here, you're probably tired of...
- Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by the weight of the problems of the world and the demands of your own life and others around you
- Giving so much out, but rarely getting any energy back in return
- Feeling like your nerves are fried and your body is running on adrenaline
- Taking on energy and emotions that are not your own
- Focusing on other people's problems instead of working on your own healing
- Feeling misunderstood and not having support around your healing
- Suffering from anxiety and / or depression that makes it difficult to have a calm, peaceful mind
Are you ready to...
- FEEL grounded in your own energy, instead of pulled by the energy around you
- HAVE a cup that is not drained by the world, but overflowing for the world
- SHOW UP in love for yourself and finally make yourself the priority
- HEAL the patterns, mindsets, and limiting beliefs that are keeping your from a life of peace, abundance, and feeling good
- CULTIVATE a healthy relationship with your mind, body, and emotions
- BECOME empowered in your sensitivities, instead of overwhelmed by them
- BE able to show up as the leader that you are
This transformational experience will help you to:
- Break free from feeling responsible for other's states of being and release the need to control or manage the world and energy around you
- Recognize when you've picked up energy and feelings that do not belong to you
- Tap deeper into your intuition and get in tune with your own needs
- Learn how to observe your emotions instead of attaching to them
- Uncover and re-frame limiting beliefs that cause you to hold on to people's problems and energy
- Deeply connect and attune to your soul's peaceful essence
- Take inventory on where your energy is being drained and discover hidden reasons why your energy is leaking
- Identify and state your boundaries
- Release guilt and shame around speaking your truth and stating boundaries
- Release chords and attachments to people who are no longer serving you
- Bring peace and calmness to your fried nervous system
- Learn how to cleanse and clear heavy energy from your body and energy field
- Develop regular grounding and clearing practices to support your well-being
- Heal the imbalances of giving and recieving
- Learn how to have a deeply nurturing relationship with your body
- Learn how to shift from a reactive state into an observing state
- Identify and heal addictions to chaos
Gain Access To...
Portal 1:
Energy Fundamentals
- Align with your soul's essence and let go of energy and emotions you're holding on for other people
- Explore your emotional and energetic landscape and balance your energy centers
- Learn to observe your emotions and tap into the gifts of your sensitivity
- Practice tools for developing your intuition
Portal 2: Empath Embodiment
- Implement tools, practices, and rituals to stay grounded and in tune with your body
- Heal your nervous system from over-activation and co-regulation
- Learn to embody a receptive state of being in order to have a balanced energy flow of giving and receiving
Portal 3: Energy Intentionality
- Identify and heal boundary violations and energy leaks in your life
- Heal inner child wounds
- Release energy you're holding for your family and ancestors
- Learn how to clear, cleanse, release and infuse energy
Empath Interviews
Discovering a collection of interviews from Empaths of all different walks of life exploring the challenges faced as a highly sensitive.
Hear from folks like Soul Awakening Coach Uthara Ramesh, who shares her experience as a South Asian Immigrant woman reclaiming her identity.

Guest Guides...

Kirby Be
Experience the power of breath-work with Alchemist, Shadow Worker, and Askashic Rcords reader Kirby Be.

Marilyn Manning
Learn how to observe collective suffering and clear and cleanse yourself and spaces with Reiki Master Marilyn Manning.

Kelbi Morris
Join Herbalista and Energy Practitioner Kelbi Morris for a powerful, easy practice to re-orient the nervous system.
What You get...
- Down-to-Earth Interviews from people like you who are at all different stages in their journey (Because we learn best from each other).
- Immediate Access to All Content. You're free to explore the course material right away, although a sample schedule is provided to keep you on course.
- Practical tools that you can immediately start implementing in your daily life to feel uplifted and energized.
- Healing Experiences and Meditations to allow for experiential application of the course material. True healing takes place on the subconscious level, not in the thinking mind. That's why this course is heavily focused on providing experiences to integrate the information on a body-spirit level.
- Downloadable workbooks. Workbooks filled with journal prompts and tools to guide you on your healing journey.
Incase We Haven't Met Yet ... I'm Natalie.
8 years ago I started working with Empaths and Sensitives while I simultaneously went on my own healing journey. It seemed everywhere I went I'd meet someone who had never heard of the term empath, and they would ask me for resources to help them. It was then that I decided I wanted to one day create a comprehensive guide to support empaths through their healing, and share all of the most helpful wisdom I've learned along the way.
Years later, after working with hundreds of empaths and diving DEEP into my own inner healing, the Empath Empowerment Course has been birthed.
My own personal journey has been one of healing depression, anxiety, self-harm, and toxic relationships. I have gone from states of deep intuitive self-trust, to places of trusting nothing and no one. I have built myself up from the fire many times, each time rising with more strength, boundaries, wisdom, and most importantly, self-compassion.
While the journey has not been easy, and is certainly never linear, I owe so much of my understanding of this journey to the teachers, elders, friends who I listened to, learned from, and who held my hand on this path to empowerment.
This course is an extension of my heart to yours. If you feel called, it is here for you.

What Is Possible For You...
"As an empath, Natalie's teachings have helped me learn how to embrace and foster my own sensitivity while still protecting my heart from experiencing pain. After less than a year, my energy and overall frame of mind has significantly shifted for the better. In 35 years, I can honestly say that I’ve never been happier, more joyful, and more comfortable in my own skin.
-Callie Lowe

All of this for only $32 / Month....
"As a teacher, this course was the equivalent of an entire semester's college course and laid out so well. It is worth thousands... I am so impressed and uncovered so much about myself that re-oriented how I interact with the world." - Patti
Frequently Asked Questions