The Healing Portal Vault is now included in The Spiritual Growth Accelerator Membership.

Check It Out

you brew some chamomile tea, cuddle up on your couch, take the deepest breath you have all day, and open the portal. 


You turn on the Expanded State meditation and train your brain to experience states of joy, compassion, gratitude, and adventure. Your brain is primed now to see your day through the lens of positivity, and so you choose to bike to work and notice the bees sipping nectar and the birds serenading you and your mundane day turns to magic.

When you've had one of THOSE days... where just the look at all the dishes piling in the kitchen sink and the overwhelm of the never-ending to do list has your body feeling frazzled, you turn on a short nervous system orienting exercise and immediately feel relief.

When you swipe right again after healing from heartbreak and feel all of those doubts arise... you pop on a 15 minute tapping for self-doubt tool and move through those negative thoughts quickly, acknowledging them but not letting them hold you back.


The Healing Portal is filled with quick healing tools + in depth journeys for deep inner healing. New practices are added each month. 

The Healing Portal Is A Membership Designed To Support Your Expansion By Giving You Access To...

O1 Healing Tools  

Pre-recorded healing tools such as Meditations, Breathwork, Movement, Energy Healings, Powerful Teachings, Worksheets, and so much more are available for you to come back to whenever you need support.


O2 New Resources Every Month

Each month Natalie uploads new healing tools like meditations, video lessons, and printable worksheets to support your journey. 


I'm a Certified Trauma Support Specialist, Parts Work Coach, Regressionist, Energy and Sound Healer. 

I've had the opportunity to support thousands of people on their healing journeys over the past 8 years while also deepening my own practice of self-compassion, self-care, and deep healing.

I don't do surface level healing. I share practices that leave my community members saying things like, "I just experienced all of my loved ones and angels on the other side around me and felt the deepest peace I've ever felt. It wasn't just relaxation - it was like a peace within my soul."

I help people tap into this higher perspective. This perspective has saved my life in times of deep struggle with my own mental health and chronic illness. 

I believe that from this higher perspective, we don't bypass our extremely human and vulnerable Parts, but invite in this compassion to communicate with those Parts. 

I'm not going to claim to be "perfectly healed" because that's not the goal. The goal is to practice meeting myself with compassion and love. And I help you to do that for yourself too, because you deserve it. 

I welcome people from all spiritual, religious, and non-religious backgrounds into my community. Please explore the practices you're comfortable with.

Happy Healing!

The Inner Healing Portal Focuses On...


O1 Embodiment

Learning information is great. Integrating your healing and expansion on a nervous system and cellular level is what creates actual lasting change. The practices in this portal will help you become present in your body and mind so that you can live from the present instead of being run by the patterns of the past.

O2 Inner Healing Teachings

From learning how to cleanse your energy to boundary work and developing your intuitive gifts, Natalie and guest practitioners are here to share supportive teachings for your healing journey. This includes interactive guided meditations, visualizations, journeying, and more.

Is the Healing Portal for you?


This membership is for you if...

 Lighting a vanilla and lavender scented candle and snuggling up with your plushy blanket in your fleece joggers while pushing play on a video that guides you to visualize a waterfall cleansing stagnant sadness and anger trapped in your throat and chest sounds like the kind of healing you'd be into.   

You want to visualize hugging your little 6 year old, pony-tailed self standing in the doorway after your parent's divorce wondering what you did wrong, and give her the words and the love she needed in that exact moment, healing an abandonment wound deep within you and bringing peace to that restless place that keeps you up at night.

You're ready to visualize replacing an energetic, rusty old cord that's wrapped around your stomach connecting you to your toxic ex-bf that causes a constant pit in your stomach with a bright white of calm and centeredness within yourself. 

You want to breath into all that tension in your chest and hips where you're storing years of feeling unsafe and ungrounded. You want to feel your hips and chest loosen with every breath and the tension lighten as your body becomes a place that feels like home.

 Move at your own pace. Come back to your tools whenever you need support. Pay Monthly. Cancel at any time.


Join NOW and get access to these past experiences & more uploaded each month:


  • September 2023 Upcoming Class: Relationships + Cutting Energetic and Emotional Cords Connecting you to the Past

Explore Past Videos + Resources Including:

  • EFT Tapping
  • Guided Journeys
  • Breathwork
  • Holy Fire Reiki Healing
  • Meditations
  • Past Life Regression
  • Fascial De-Stress
  • 7 Chakra Journal
  • Embodiment E-book

What People Say About Working With Natalie...


“Natalie is truly gifted. I cannot tell you how amazing I feel. I feel better than I have for over a decade. I feel whole for the first time and was able to release so many things that I realized were holding me back. I’m just so thankful for her, for her gift, and I cannot recommend her enough.”


“The most powerful thing I’ve ever done is a healing session with Natalie.” 


"I went from being a completely broken person to a woman who is confident in herself and the world around her. Natalie has been a huge part of helping me to realize that I am worth fighting for— I am worthy of so much more than what I’ve been living."